Current Issue

Volume: 65 Issue: 2, 12/31/24

Year: 2024

Research Article


Zootechny, Poultry Farming and Treatment
Animal Cell and Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Biological Sciences, Genetics
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cengiz ERKAN Van Yüzüncü Yıl University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal Science 0000-0003-3510-2800
Bee and Silkworm Breeding and Improvement , Zootechny
Animal Feeding
Assoc. Prof. Devrim OSKAY TEKİRDAĞ NAMIK KEMAL ÜNİVERSİTESİ 0000-0002-3410-2780
Animal Biotechnology, Animal Cell and Molecular Biology, Bee and Silkworm Breeding and Improvement , Animal Science, Genetics and Biostatistics, Genetics
Zootechny, Animal Feeding, Poultry Farming and Treatment
Zootechny, Poultry Farming and Treatment
Poultry Farming and Treatment
Prof. Dr. Mehmet KOYUNCU Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Zootekni Bölümü
Sheep and Goat Breeding and Treatment, Animal Science, Genetics and Biostatistics
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Akif BOZ Yozgat Bozok Universitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Zootekni Bölümü
Poultry Farming and Treatment
Assoc. Prof. Raziye IŞIK TEKIRDAG NAMIK KEMAL UNIVERSITY 0000-0003-2982-6562
Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences, Genetically Modified Animals
Prof. Dr. Serap GONCU ÇUKUROVA ÜNİVERSİTESİ 0000-0002-0360-2723
Animal Growth and Development, Zootechny (Other), Environmental Studies in Animal Production, Animal Behaviour, Animal Developmental and Reproductive Biology, Stock Farming and Treatment, Animal Welfare
Poultry Farming and Treatment
Animal Welfare, Poultry Farming and Treatment
Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences, Animal Feeding
Veterinary Food Hygiene and Technology
Zootechny, Poultry Farming and Treatment
Prof. Dr. Özer Hakan BAYRAKTAR Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi 0000-0002-7071-5947
Poultry Farming and Treatment, Animal Management, Zootechny

The Journal of Animal Production publishes original research articles in animal husbandry and all related sciences, as well as compiling articles that contain a specific synthesis based on many sources, covering new information. Our journal has been published in print and visually since 1974 in order to increase the accessibility, visibility and use of scientific studies, to accelerate science and to benefit scientists.

The Journal of Animal Production, original and unpublished research articles prepared in all fields of Animal Science , research articles with abstracts published in congress books, and compilations based on many sources are published. In all fields of Animal Science; Studies on basic sciences, animal husbandry, animal welfare, genetics, biometrics, animal nutrition and nutritional diseases, animal diseases, food hygiene and technology are evaluated.

Instructions to Authors of Manuscripts for

Journal of Animal Production

The journal of Animal Production publishes original and unpublished research articles in Turkish or in English. Papers are accepted for publication that they have not been published and are not going to be considered for publication elsewhere. Authors should certify that neither the manuscript nor its main contents have already been published or submitted for publication in another journal. All manuscripts should be accompanied by the Copyright Release Form, which can be found in each volume of the journal and also available online in journal’s web site. This form should be completed and signed by all co-authors indicating their consent to its publication. The corresponding author is responsible for obtaining the signatures of coauthors. The corresponding author should be declared with his/her name, full postal address, e-mail, fax and telephone numbers when submitting the manuscript.

1.             Journal of Animal Production is published two issues in a year as in June and December.

2.             Original full-length research and review articles, which have not been published previously and/or the manuscripts published as abstract only in the proceedings in the Symposiums, the Congress in the fields of In all areas of Zootechnics (basic sciences, animal breeding, animal welfare, genetics, biometrics, animal feeding and nutrition diseases, food hygiene and technology etc.) are considered for the publication. Short note and Letters to the Editor are not accepted for the publication.

3.             If the first authors are the same in the manuscripts, only two of them are accepted for the publication in the same issue.

4.             No royalty is paid to the authors. 

5.             Authors are responsible for the scientific content of the manuscripts to be published.

6.             Application of the manuscripts should be via web address DergiPark.

7.             Manuscript should be prepared in such a form that it must include the title, an abstract in Turkish that is followed by abstract in English including Title, Keywords in both languages, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and, References. If preferred, the sections of “Result” and “Discussion” can be prepared under a single heading as a “Result and Discussion”.

8.             Abstract must include configured flat information on objectives of the research; approach and methodology, and important research findings.  Do not use all uppercase for the title of your abstract.

a.             Turkish Translations of the Abstracts to be submitted from the manuscripts abroad will be performed by Editorial Board.

b.             Abstracts should be written in English apart from manuscript and length is limited to a maximum of 200 words.

c.             Avoid from using author details, diagrams, references, and abbreviations except from commonly used ones in the  manuscript.

d.             Provide relevant keywords to a maximum 4-6 words  leaving a linespacing after the abstract. Do not simply repeat words from the abstract title only.

9.             The full specific name; genus plus species, is italicized. Dots are used in the expression of decimals.

10.           "Figure" description contains graphs, photos, maps, pictures etc. while the other presentations of numbers in columns and rows are described as "Table". Tables and figures should not be embedded in the text, but should be included as separate pages. Color pictures or images should be submitted as separate files after adding a placeholder note in the running text

11.           Any citation in your articles to at least one article among the previous papers published in our journal has great importance for contribution to the application of Journal of Animal Production SCIENCE CITATION INDEX (SCI).

12.           Style;

a.             Manuscripts must be submitted in Word. All parts of the manuscript must be typewritten, single column, double-spaced, with margins of at least one inch on all sides. The author must use a normal, plain font (e.g., 12-point Times Roman) for text and save the paper in docx format (Word 2007 or higher). Number manuscript pages consecutively through-out the paper and not to exceed 20 pages in total.

b.             Text lines should also be numbered (continuously) to facilitate the review process.

c.             The title of the article should be written size 14 point, bold, centered. Only the first letter of each words should be a capital and the rest in lower case letters.

d.             The names of the authors should be written in lower case letters; bold letters, point 12, centered and separated from the title by one line space. The name(s) of the author(s) should be written with the surname in full and capital letters. Present the authors' affiliation addresses (where the actual work was done) below the names. Indicate all affiliations with a lower-case superscript letter immediately after the author's name and in front of the appropriate address. Specify by asterisk the corresponding author. Leave one line space and write the e-mail author only, centered, point 10 characters.

e.             A maximum number of three levels of headings are recommended. First-level headings should start in the left margin with the first letter of each major word capitalized, bold, Times New Roman 12 pt font. Second-level headings should be bold, left margin, with only the first letter of the first word capitalized. Third-level headings are discouraged, but, if required, should begin on the left margin, only the first letter of the word should be a capital and the rest in lower case letters.

f.             The main body of the manuscript should be double-spaced Times New Roman 12 pt font. All paragraphs should start at the left margin. The text should be fully justified. There should be no hyphenation (cutting words). The authors are discouraged from highlighting text with the use of bold or underlined fonts.

g.             Academic and/or other professional institutions of the authors should be mentioned with 10 pt font using superscript on the number.  


13.           The system of “author and year” should be used for references in the manuscript except special cases. If there is more than one reference, then the references should be given in chronological order. References in the text consist of the author(s) name and publication year in parentheses, for example: Surname1 (2007), Surname1 and Surname2 (2005), Surname1 et al. (2003). If several references are cited collectively, they are enclosed in parentheses with no additional parentheses around dates, and separated by semicolons (SurnameA, 2002; SurnameB et al., 2008; SurnameC, 2008; SurnameD1 and SurnameD2, 2012). Multiple entries for one author or one group of authors should be ordered chronologically, and multiple entries for the same year should be distinguished by appending sequential lower-case letters to the year, even if the author groups are not identical: e.g., Koşum, N.,Kandemir, Ç., and Taşkın, T. 1999a; Koşum, N.,Kandemir, Ç., and Taşkın, T. 1999b; Koşum, N.,Kandemir, Ç., and Taşkın, T 1999c. (because all will appear as "Koşum et al., 1999" in the text).

14.           References should appear together at the end of the paper, listed alphabetically by the last name of the first author. All references cited in the text should be listed in the References section. If two or more references by the same author are listed, the earliest dated work appears first. First letter of each word for the titles of the books and book chapters should be in capital. Publishing number for Institutional publishing or publisher's name and address should be given. First line of the reference should be at the beginning of paragraph and following lines must be drawn in of 0.5 cm. Journal titles must be written in full.



Examples are given below of the layout and punctuation to be used in the references:


Article (all authors must be mentioned)

Foulley JL, Jaffrezic F, Robert-Granié C. 2000. EM-REML estimation of covariance parameters in Gaussian mixed models for longitudinal data analysis. Genetics Selection Evolution 32:129-141.


Lynch M, Walsh B. 1998. Genetics and analysis of quantitative traits, 1st edn., Sinauer Associates, Sunderland.

Chapter in a book

Somes RG. 1990. Mutations and major variants of muscles and skeleton in chickens. In: Crawford R. (Editor) Poultry breeding and genetics, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 209-237.

Symposium or congress paper

Villanueva B, Wooliams JA, Simm G. 1998. Evaluation of embryo sexing and cloning in dairy cattle nucleus schemes under restricted inbreeding, in: Proceedings of the 6th world congress on genetics applied to livestock production, 11-16 January 1998, Vol. 25, University of New England, Armidale, pp. 451-454.

Web sources (Authors, date and article name if available. Full URL address. Date of access)

Rayens B. Practical nonparametric statistics (15 April 2004).

Efe E, Bek Y, Şahin M. 2000. SPSS’te çözümleri ile istatistik yöntemler. (15 April 2004).


The corresponding author must submit the manuscript electronically to with additional attachment files as:

a) Application Letter

b) Copyright Release Form

After two referees’ evaluations of the article, result sent to the corresponding author. Accepted articles are edited again and page proofs (as PDF files) sent by e-mail to the corresponding author. Authors will be charged to cover partially the costs of publication. The cost for publication; research articles sent from the other countries are free. One copy of the published journal sent to the corresponding author.


All submissions to Journal of Animal Production should be original studies. The authors are encouraged to follow the ethic guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). All submissions undergo a plagiarism control by the Editor using the web-based iThenticate program to confirm their originality as a natural necessity to keeping rights of the authors and to meet the journals editorial responsibilities. The editor considers the report of the plagiarism control in terms of not only numerical values of the overlap but also in other ethical points that authors should pay attention in citations and then makes a decision to move the manuscript in further evaluation steps or not.


Editorial Responsibilities and Independence

All editors of Journal of Animal Production are independent in their evaluations and decisions in the journal. No external and/or internal factor can affect their decisions. If the editors are exposed to any kind of positive and/or negative constraints, they keep the right to take legal action against those involved in the constraint. On the other hand, editors are responsible for their decisions in the journal. The editor-in-chief is the only person responsible for journal content and on-time publishing.

Privacy and conflict of interest

Editors and members of the Editorial Board of the journal are forbidden to share submitted materials with third parties other than section editors, statistical editors, Language editors, copy editors, design editors and ombudsman when needed, and to use the submitted materials themselves. If there is a conflict of interest among an editor and an author or institution of the author in terms of cooperation or competition, then another member of the Editorial board is assigned to manage the evaluation process.

Publishing decisions

Editors provide peer review of submitted manuscripts by assigning at least two reviewers expert in the field. Editor-in-chief is responsible in decision of publishing a manuscript considering the importance of the manuscripts for researchers and readers, reviewer reports, plagiarism and copyright infringement as legal issues. Editor-in-chief can discuss with other editors and reviewers for his/her decision.


Contribution to editor decision

Peer-reviewing of a submitted manuscript is the control of its scientific content, scientific layout and suitability according to the principles of the journal, and delivery of the reviewer opinion for unsuitable manuscript content to ensure suitability. The reviewing process not only enables reviewers to forward their evaluations about the manuscripts to the editors but also give them the opportunity to improve the contents of the manuscripts.


If a reviewer assigned for evaluation of a manuscript is of expert of a field of science other than the manuscript content, is far to the subject of the manuscript, is short of time for evaluation or possess a conflict of interest, then he/she should inform the assigning editor and ask his/her withdrawal. If the content of the manuscript fits the expertise field of the reviewer, then he/she should complete the evaluation and send the report to the editor as soon as possible.


Reviewers assigned for evaluation of manuscripts approve in advance that the manuscripts are secret documents and do not share any information about these documents with third parties except the editors involved in the evaluation. Reviewers continue to not to share information even after the manuscripts are accepted or rejected for publication.

If it is suspected of using an idea in the manuscript that is sent for evaluation to the reviewer without permission, the flowchart of COPE “What to do if you suspect a reviewer has appropriated anauthor's ideas or data?” is fallowed.

Standards of objectivity

Reviewers should construct their criticisms on a scientific background and include scientific evidences in their statements. All comments raised by the reviewers to improve the manuscripts should be clear and direct and written in a manner far away from disturbing author feelings. Insulting and derogatory statements should be avoided.

Suitability of the cited references

Reviewers should determine quotations in the manuscripts used without citing a reference. Statements, observations, conclusions or evidences in published articles should be quoted with the citation of the related reference. Reviewers should also be sure about the reality of presence of quotations in the cited reference(s).

Conflict of interests

If a reviewer is in a situation by being involved in one or more interests with the author(s), he/she should inform the editor the assigning editor and ask his/her withdrawal.


Reporting standards

Authors of original research articles should present the results and discuss on them in a proper way. Since the methodological contents of the articles should be reproducible, the authors should be clear in their statements and should not purposely report wrong or missing data. Authors of review type articles are not recommended to write such articles if they are not an expert of the field of their review topics or when they do not have enough background information or related former studies.

Data accessing and retainment

Authors may be asked to present their Raw data when needed (ethical cases etc.). Therefore, raw data of the manuscripts should be kept in safety to present if needed. The storage period of raw data following publications should be at least 10 years.

Originality and plagiarism

The authors of submitted manuscripts should be sure that their manuscripts are original or include cited references for quotations.

Multiple, repeated, unnecessary or simultaneous submissions

It is not an approved way to produce more than one publication reporting on the same research. The authors should pay attention to such cases and they should not submit the same manuscript to different journals simultaneously.

Authorship of manuscripts

Only the following persons should be included in the manuscripts as responsible authors: i) researchers providing major contribution to concept, design, performing, data collection and/or analysis in a study, ii) researchers involved in preparation or critical revision of manuscripts, iii) researchers approved the latest version of the manuscripts and accepted its submission. Contributors other than the above list (technical assistance, helpers in writing and editing, general contributions etc.) should not be involved in the authors list but can be listed in acknowledgments section. The corresponding authors of manuscripts should provide the separate listing of contributors as authors and those to be involved in acknowledgments section.

Conflict of interests

Authors should clearly declare any kind of conflict of interests in their manuscripts. Absence of conflict of interests about the topic of the manuscripts should also be declared. The most common types of conflict of interests are financial supports, education or other types of funds, personal or institutional relations and affiliations. All sources of financial supports (with their grant or other reference numbers) of the studies should be declared.

Acknowledgment of references

Authors should not use personally obtained information (conversations, correspondences or discussions with bystanders) unless they have the permission of their sources. Information about private documents or refereeing of grant applications should not be used without the permission of the authorities providing the related service.


Authors are obliged to be involved in the peer review process and should cooperate by responding raw data, evidence for ethical approvals, patient approvals and copyright release form requests of editors and their explanations. Authors should respond either in positive or a negative way to revision suggestions generated by the peer review process. They should be sure to include their counter views in their negative responses.

Basic errors in published manuscripts.

Authors should contact with the journal editor or the publisher for an erratum when they notice an important error or mistake in their published manuscripts. If the editor notices the error, he/she starts the process about erratum on or withdrawal of the published manuscripts.


All kinds of exploitation doubts and complaints about manuscripts, either published or in the publication process, are evaluated by the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board strictly follows the directives of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) during the evaluations. An ombudsman who has no connection with the parts in any stage of the complaint is appointed and a decision is made. Complaints can be sent to the editor in chief by sending an e-mail to


Changes in author ordering, removal or addition of a new author in and withdrawal of a published manuscript can be realized by sending an application to The application e-mail should include the reason of the requested change with the evidences. The reasons and the evidences are discussed and finalized by the Editorial Board. Further submissions of authors of a formerly accepted manuscript undergoing a change process are automatically sent back to the authors until the final decision of the manuscript in process.


Editor or members of the editorial board are not responsible for the author opinions and manuscript contents. Authors are responsible for the ethical originality of and possible errors in their manuscripts. They are also responsible for all errors based on page editing before their proofreading. On the other hand, errors taking place after proofreading are in responsibility of the journal directors.   

• All published articles are open access.

The Journal of Animal Production has the following fees for all articles submitted:
• Submission fee (Payment upon submission of the article): Free
• Article Publication Charge (APC - Payment on the occasion of the acceptance notice of the article for publication): 400,00 TL

The payments charged will ensure the sustainability and maintenance of the permanence of the journal as open access.

No fee is requested for invited research or review articles. Invited articles should be submitted only after agreement with the editor.


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